Low T?

Diagnosing Low T The question may arise whether the symptoms you have may be caused by Low T. Talking with your doctor is the first step in the treatment cycle. Once you get back the T you've been missing, you may experience symptom relief.

Finding out if you have Low T is easy. Your doctor can assess your signs and symptoms and determine your testosterone levels (T levels) with a standard blood test, just like you test your cholesterol. The most common test measures your total testosterone. If you wish to have more specific data, your doctor can do a secondary test. Ask your doctor to include these simple blood tests with your other lab work.

Tests to measure testosterone:There are two blood tests that can measure your testosterone. The most common test measures "total" testosterone in your body. The other test measures just the "free" testosterone. This is the testosterone that flows freely in your bloodstream. To confirm whether you have Low T, your doctor may conduct this second test.

Your doctor may order additional tests to rule out other conditions. Check out: Is It Low T

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