We are your Primary Care Center!

 We are your primary care provider for...common illnesses, high blood pressure management, musculoskeletal injuries, chronic conditions, Diabetes, & high cholesterol, etc.
Why should you choose a Primary Care Physician?Don’t wait until you get sick to choose a PCP. Primary Care Physicians see their patients regularly, looking for symptoms a patient may not notice. Annual exams may help your PCP guide you toward healthy lifestyle habits that may decrease the likelihood that you’ll need expensive specialty care. In most cases, a PCP will need to refer you to a specialist should you need one. PCPs can educate patients on healthy habits and catch early warning signs that may require further investigation. For example, a routine health exam may uncover conditions such as high blood pressure or even hormonal imbalances due to glandular problems. Health problems like these can go unnoticed by the patient for years resulting in serious chronic health issues. Developing a relationship with your Primary Care Physician can help keep illnesses at bay. Remember the old adage: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Symptoms of common illnesses: Do you have headaches, fever, chest pain, numbness, nausea? Come see us!

Low T? Is your Testosterone levels low? Do you know the symptoms?
Take the Low T Quiz
